Category |
Academic Year |
Tier 1 Gordon, Wiebking |
$6,315 |
Tier 2 Harrison |
$6,575 |
Tier 3 Belford, Bond, Brown, Dickeson, Lawrenson, Lujan, Turner Stand-Alone Singles |
$7,650 |
Tier 4 Hansen-Willis, Lawrenson Pet-Friendly, North, South, Turner Suites |
$8,295 |
Arlington Park Apartments |
12 month contract- monthly utility charges will be billed separately.
4 bedroom/2 bathroom |
$8,920 |
2 bedroom/1 bathroom |
$8,420 |
2 bedroom/2 bathroom |
$8,600 |
For more information about meal plans, optional Bear Plans or Dining Dollars, the
Dining Services website is located at